-God Has Turn His Back, 1986, Only Jesus Is Left, Day Seventy-nine, 10/27 of the "week," prophecy 08/18, a week prior to the Syrian Truce, 08/25, the countdown to resurrection (ain't no sunshine when she's (The Righteous Bride, even the Church Bride that was America, gone, see here, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tIdIqbv7SPo, and here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=25rL-ooWICU GOH, Apb) and Daniel's week, see Dan. 9:27, see also, www.deaththeillusion2016.blogspot.com
Righteously Dividing The Enemy
Jesuis (I Am, We Are, You Are), Jesus Christ, Don't Be Alarmed Men, Islam Is Come As Of Predicting A Hussein/Jesus Millennium 2003 www.2016jesusisthespiritofprophecy.blogspot.com ...
Please Remember Her Name, More than two years ago, I was handed a slip of paper with the name “Nguba Buba” on it.
Nguba Buba. Remember her name, please.
Nguba Buba was one of the 276 girls kidnapped on April 14, 2014 by Boko Haram militants who stormed her school in Chibok, Nigeria. She was a young girl, a 16-year-old who attended church and loved Jesus. When she was kidnapped, she was ripped away from her studies, her potential to take her exams, and to go to college.
Nguba is one of more than 2,000 children stolen from their parents by Islamic militants since 2014. Many of the boys were armed and forced to shoot people, some from their own villages. Those who refuse were killed. The girls were forced to convert to Islam, compelled to become servants, used as prostitutes, and married off to their captors, often, men old enough to be their fathers.
Nguba was forced at gunpoint to get onto a truck in the middle of the night. They drove for hours into the Sambisa Forest under the cover of darkness. During the ride, around 50 of the girls managed to jump off and escape.
The 219 remaining stayed in Boko Haram custody. Many were advocating on their behalf and the campaign #BringBackOurGirls attracted huge amounts of attention. The government negotiated for their return, with no results.
As time passed, fewer and fewer people remembered Nguba and her friends.
Their grieving parents began succumbing to stress-related illnesses. At least 18 died of these illnesses. Another three died in Islamist attacks. In 2015, Boko Haram would use 44 stolen children as suicide bombers, many of them young girls like Nguba.
In May 2016, one of the 219 was discovered. After escaping, she arrived at home with a 4-month-old baby, the child of a Boko Haram fighter.
On Oct. 13, parents and relatives finally had something to celebrate. Negotiations had finally been successful, and 21 of the girls were freed. Nguba was not among them. No one really knows her fate. There are 114 Chibok girls who are unaccounted for. Some are believed to have been killed. Others, may wish to stay with their abductors.
Please remember Nguba’s name. Remember that she was once a schoolgirl who planned to finish her exams at Chibok. She was a Christian. She had parents and siblings and a hope for the future that was stolen. Remember that she and each of the other 2,000 other children who were stolen still need your prayers. Remember Nguba Buba, see more here, http://www.persecutionblog.com/2016/11/please-remember-her-name.html, awake, Apb, The RAM.
Like Watching Noah's Ark, a voice, "Mark 17 and 7, as the days of Noah, Jesus, Mat. 24, and there was silence in heaven, Rev. 8:1, 96 AD, my prayer closet, 1993 AD, "my people are bing stripped of everything Jesus Christ, GOH, Apb
Prophecy Links
-Seen to be seeing a white, round, sales tag bearing the number 30, as in thirty days from November 19th, meaning December 19tth, there's something about the electoral college vote, see here, http://theeconomiccollapseblog.com/archives/why-we-are-still-in-the-danger-zone-until-january-20th-2017
-Seen to be seeing the word TREASURES all black and blasted, 11/17/2016, something that couldn't happen if they were as Jesus suggested, stored away in heaven, upon you bearing His Cross. -Seen to be seeing the words War and the number 3, now laying as on it's back, 11/17/2016, possibly represent failed fore-warnings as Americans per the election, return to their deaf stage, a siege is come, US soil, regardless.
Hussein Obama, Brexit, Truexit, Jesus Millennium www.2016jesusiethespiritofprophecy.blogspot.com
Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear. Hebs. 11:3
-Like I described in an earlier post Holy Scripture has told us from the beginning this world was temporal, how even heaven and earth would past away, some has said in a great noise, even a beyond imagined inferno the skies, the earth, the soil not a complete lost but a designed by it's Great Creator, renewal most celebrated, Rev. 11, only having Jesus is how you join them, Abba Father, forever. I know what you're thinking, if that's true then the word never should've inherited America, right, though if not the dispensation of grace, the church age never would've happen, making the cross of Jesus of none effect, so the present, growing to phenomenon innovation was never suppose to be Satan's seat but an outreach into the coming world of Babel and Beast, of disastrous people being lead constantly astray with one expectation, the straight gate, path back to God, clearly only as one repent to Jesus.
-I mean the signs were there from the beginning. Elohim explaining from the beginning disobedience is death, how only if He, again Elohim separate between the curse of death and life in spirit and take divine use of it's enmity then it's to be as though Adam never existed, nor the first ever manslaughter, and Abel the first victim of violence not just against another, but your own brethren, mankind being one blood, greater love is what we should have. What a tremendous horror to what are now centuries of nothing but holocaust after holocaust and domestic sorrows and here is Lucifer and a third of the angels getting the worship and honor over God's intended glory, to make of Himself a carnate man, tempted at all points as he'd mold of Adam.
-Amazingly so, when at the same time making of Himself redemptive blood that whosoever believe in him, shall never die, but passes from cursed flesh to living spirit, an heir to God, descending reign, this New Jerusalem, forever. Fairly, to inherit any formation of a gone wicked world is to inherit dead ad dying, but more so we hear the word of God crying aloud, the soul of sin shall die, you see the flesh being cursed back to the earth, none born exempt, the spirit right back to God, the soul is then it would seem left in limbo, destination is uncertain, no, the soul's destination as one would say is what is being wedged at Christ's Cross, it's the purpose behind every temptation placed before Christ, especially doing the 40 day trial in the desert, and just one night in the garden of Gethsemane, where Christ, once an almighty God, now tempted at all points as all men are.
-Here, now pleading the father take such a damaging, terrifying and shameful cup of trembling from Him, but as I said, except everything leading into Christ, was by divine will, spilled blood finished, then it would've been as though the Genesis, to the Adam, the blessed enmity restoring him, again Adam, never existed, but we were. Elohim had spoken the Genesis into an Eden paradise, and it's blessed, red soil into first the man, then this woman, now a blessed marriage, the first and only ordain of their kind, breath into them his spirit, and there they'd become a living soul, so all leading into Christ, Adam, the woman seed, the enmity, Noah's ark, Moses rod to the ark of the covenant, Lot's escape, the great and minor prophets, the seed of a virgin into ruling Israel's governments.
-There's Daniel's Four beast which strove upon the sea, into a proposed 70 weeks of years, that all of Israel repent, now laid on every word, every movement, every decision of this Holy Man describing in the midst of vicious persecution how he'd come down from heaven worship God! His Kingdom Come! Lazarus Resurrection, and last but not least the grave of all of His conversations, the thought to be forbidden Samaritan woman, Jacob's well a sudden. well this reminder of why He'd come, kings, princes, nations, temples, governments and handmaidens had this all wrong at the first, salvation was originally of the Jews, leading all to Christ, but soon finding a dark reason, crucifying their own messiah, go ye into the streets and byways, and bid yet another, any that will come, the marriage supper of the lamb hath made itself ready and we will not keep her waiting, the spirit and Bride sayeth come, why I saw her just not only reigning in heaven, but in possession of the stone made without hands, king of all kings Nebuchadnezzar witness destroy all thing rebellious.
-Apparently with many crusaders rent at the blood, heart and mind, this infected, here's the reminder, remember from whence thou art fallen. America began with purpose to win every man to Him, to the living, breathing, speaking and as so familiar God of all things created. This non conforming to evil Lord of all Lords, and King of all kings, with the Angel Gabriel stating, how his name shall be called, Jesus for He shall save his people from their sins. Herein, when I tell you, the promise of God to send strong delusions upon persons by the millions and millions that was actually worshiping America, now the beast head of westernized civilization, this is why James described it's passing, it's temporal, though fascinating oral as nothing more than a vapor of smoke, all now return to it's chaotic self.
-Unthinkably with millions even trillions in the path of such cataclysms to pandemonium, lives lost this curse from the beginning, though the soul, the soul carries on in a state, whether in heaven, or whether unrepentant it's bed is in a beyond horrid hell, it's aware forever, god him, got Jesus yet? The Apostle Paul ask the question, to now fallen from Grace, the teaching of Christ's Cross, the only way mankind is to have divine value, going into a Royal Priesthood of God, again he asked them, who hath bewitched you. To answer his I will just response as Holy Spirit lately as I was going to and fro about the house, all of a sudden I heard him say, self need to be pound into the dust, it's like a better revelation, of a hand writing in red, in midst of holy scripture, remember, red writing in gospel scripture is what Jesus is saying, thus Jesus said, "man can't do this," tempted at all points as man, yet without.
-Surely, that's choosing, by a divine anointing, Holy Spirit, not to sin, he knew what he was saying, "only the holy spirit can do this," originally meaning we must be Born Again. to perfect sinless existence, see I John 3, the flesh must be surrendered. as pounded into the dust this seed unto restoration as Jesus the night of Gethsemane, that through him, that through His Bride as He, Himself, all who will come, all answering blessed doors knocking can all be anointed, even embolden into a Spirit filled life, his heart, holy spirit within now unlikely to sin,, this divine priesthood awaiting glorification as a now three days to resurrection Jesus. Then you hear His, Jesus, God manifested in the flesh, last lament from the Cross, and this blessed servant quote Him, "it is finished," ceaselessly, come unto Him, all ye that labor unnecessarily, though your sins, be scarlet, they shall be as white as snow, though they shall be red like crimson, they shall be as (white) as wool, blessed are the dead (all die), who die in Jesus Christ, hallelujah I say.
-The righteousness of God, designed for the Adam since the foundation of the world, as I said above, was never supposed to fall into the hands of Satan's Seat, of Americans dream, but it has, it did, Adam's disobedience ushered us all into a curse of sin, while the second Adam, enmity, by his obedience, has arrived us all a better, holy, acceptable temple worship, spirit and truth, behold he stand at the door, knocking. Though because this world system has without number abandon Him, is why America's children, yet this world supposedly leader. Well, and I admit, god forgive me, but mos of children's entertainment, like prime time America, is so ridiculously mind and heart numbing, so bordering on the line of anti god/Christ, until it make me want to painfully and agonizingly pull all my hair, whereas I told one of them one day, being force to watch it, would be considered as being in a private hell, it is that spiritually, mentally and humanly dismantling.
-Come to think of it, it's possibly way America, Britain, so this mean Canad as well, simply Westerners, is commanded, not simply to be destroyed, but done to them, is what is done by them to God's people, as they're demanded to be scattered into itty, bitty pieces, in other words, obliterated. Explaining further why ELE type disasters now target them, again even their children, having forsaken God, like apostate Americans are the most suicidal, drug addicted, monstrous, murderous sexual predators on the planet, whose hour of deletion, Psa. 37, Rev. 18, has come, lose a generation to evil blackness spreading like a diligent plague, infecting the blood, lose the Godman forever.
-Yet, Still you're convinced this was all God's plan, God's plan was the rescue a remnant of believers straight, right out of the darkest times ever of mankind, a great of number of which once a weeping hurtfully John is now seeing, those an incalculable, number, those of every kind, kindred, tongue, nation and kingdom, those once held bound and captives by religion's greatest mystery, America, these present day towers of babels, (see towering building, twin towers, the business district, atop of where I witness millions stranded just as Jesus, portrayed as a good Bridegroom right in their midst as promised, just politely and all so quietly, took His.
-I know, I can't believe it either, a time table of deletion given, the Angel Gabriel appearing, the fat man singing Armageddon all, the slow motion exodus, the woman bearing black bowls along a limitless homes shelter, and now this really concerning census taking, meaning soon the release of slayers, black riders and grim reapers and death tolls US soil never, ever imagined, and if any of this is giving you cause for concern, good, it's suppose to, it's why the fist prophet Samuel to he last, The Church Bride, was ever appointed, that you like the Woman Seed, Jesus would know the truth and that truth would make you free, that loose all captivity from you. Just as the four wings were ordered not to touch the earth, the trees, until God's anointed are sealed, just as so, the celebration of the bride/bridegroom supper, was being halted, bringing about an unrecognizable silence in heaven, soon brought by holy spirits to see what was this incomprehensible for millions of years matter, even the Cherubim's intermission.
-I saw like this mountain in heaven and soon a sunlight of God, as God, as that jet setting it's growing self, right though my windows, it's shades right now, only it spoke, it spoke to every formation great or small on this planet sitting in rule or authority over it's royal priesthood, it's holy spirits and I quote, "Let My People, Do!" And Jesus answered and spake unto them again by parables, and said, The kingdom of heaven is like unto a certain king, which made a marriage for his son, And sent forth his servants to call them that were bidden to the wedding: and they would not come. Again, he sent forth other servants, saying, Tell them which are bidden, Behold, I have prepared my dinner: my oxen and my fatlings are killed, and all things are ready: come unto the marriage. The Spirit and Bride (Sunlight Of God), sayeth loose these people, those bidden to the marriage, and like Moses standing before a belligerent Egyptian Pharaoh, this isn't merely a request, this is the almighty Creator God/Savior, this is an order, surely lest they come, see Mat. 22:1-22, see also Rev. 22:17, again free thy selves, (Christ Cross), COME! Today is the day of Divine Reconciliation.
Predicting A Hussein/Jesus Millennium 2003. Bye, Bye Mrs. American Pie! www.2016jesusiethespiritofprophecy.blogspot.com
-The Enemy is inside the gate he say, I begged to differ, this enemy is inside the prophetic bed, as in all in the family. Just as Holy Spirit showed me lately, that's Jesus Millennium as a pending world peace to follow the Obama Administration. Just as a man, a US Senator 2008 began campaigning for the White house, it was demonstrated, more than ever not only with the rise of the two beast of Rev. 13, but the placement of the end time Antichrist. Now believe this Apostle these final hours of prophecy he wasn't being portrayed as the great evil, but as a loving husband, father and family man, surely as every American President, even Western leader unto desolating God's people, had been. As so to soon rule this nation, and this world, as a vicious beast of all beast overlaid in domestic apparel, a bow but no arrow.
-As I said, I beggar to differ here, US soil far surpasses this enemy in the gate scenario, it's more like beast are reigning, why I explained to a couple of Churchians leading into 2016 election, how US government is far beyond corrupt, but more a beast system . You can even say this happen September 11th, 2001, with a judgment set how like in three months, a sentence that for 190 months more something far more sinister and cataclysmic US soil this way would come. A horrid something, whereas this 190 weight scale would spin the nation, even Western Civilization into the worse ever of a tailspin along a deletion of 190 years, and when I say all of a sudden, just don't blink your eyes. So I guess you can say, only the preppers, but the born again awaiting resurrection and those having prepared their fall out shelters is again readied for the worse that's to happen to America, ever.
-This is why I told the grands, Trump's supposedly building a wall is ridiculous, how he better make it a dome and even it better be a chaotic earth, to nuclear missiles, to EMP/CME's to Nibiru retardant. God's wrath as in the days of Noah, with the worse of Revelations is coming for America, with insurmountable death tolls, placing hundreds of millions of souls in danger not for their lives. Every life born here is in danger, until the Cross of Jesus happens to them, for two millennia you only have His outreaching Gospel to thank, this dying right now, mocked, persecuted, martyred, this determined to bring you the truth, see more here, www.186yourchurchcondemhell15.blogspot.com
-Biblically, we're talking the second death, which isn't a death at all but hell, but a burning with a fire lake filled to inconceivable capacity and expansion ability. All with beyond suffering people, never, ever losing their heart, never rending it apart, never having surrendered it to the Holy Spirit/God. Herein never this born again, new creature unlikely to sin, if you don't have Jesus, pound self into the dust of blood reconciliation and get Him! Clearly, Elohim by His merciful Revelations shows Himself, casting the man He once breath a holy spirit to living soul into now unrepentant, into the fires of hell with him, don't be deceived, see more here, Rom. 12:1, 2, see more here www.repentnow2011.blogspot.com www.yourchurchcondemnsix.blogspot.com
-Like I described in an earlier post Holy Scripture has told us from the beginning this world was temporal, how even heaven and earth would past away, some has said in a great noise, even a beyond imagined inferno the skies, the earth, the soil not a complete lost but a designed by it's Great Creator, renewal most celebrated, Rev. 11, only having Jesus is how you join them, Abba Father, forever. I know what you're thinking, if that's true then the word never should've inherited America, right, though if not the dispensation of grace, the church age never would've happen, making the cross of Jesus of none effect, so the present, growing to phenomenon innovation was never suppose to be Satan's seat but an outreach into the coming world of Babel and Beast, of disastrous people being lead constantly astray with one expectation, the straight gate, path back to God, clearly only as one repent to Jesus.
-I mean the signs were there from the beginning. Elohim explaining from the beginning disobedience is death, how only if He, again Elohim separate between the curse of death and life in spirit and take divine use of it's enmity then it's to be as though Adam never existed, nor the first ever manslaughter, and Abel the first victim of violence not just against another, but your own brethren, mankind being one blood, greater love is what we should have. What a tremendous horror to what are now centuries of nothing but holocaust after holocaust and domestic sorrows and here is Lucifer and a third of the angels getting the worship and honor over God's intended glory, to make of Himself a carnate man, tempted at all points as he'd mold of Adam.
-Amazingly so, when at the same time making of Himself redemptive blood that whosoever believe in him, shall never die, but passes from cursed flesh to living spirit, an heir to God, descending reign, this New Jerusalem, forever. Fairly, to inherit any formation of a gone wicked world is to inherit dead ad dying, but more so we hear the word of God crying aloud, the soul of sin shall die, you see the flesh being cursed back to the earth, none born exempt, the spirit right back to God, the soul is then it would seem left in limbo, destination is uncertain, no, the soul's destination as one would say is what is being wedged at Christ's Cross, it's the purpose behind every temptation placed before Christ, especially doing the 40 day trial in the desert, and just one night in the garden of Gethsemane, where Christ, once an almighty God, now tempted at all points as all men are.
-Here, now pleading the father take such a damaging, terrifying and shameful cup of trembling from Him, but as I said, except everything leading into Christ, was by divine will, spilled blood finished, then it would've been as though the Genesis, to the Adam, the blessed enmity restoring him, again Adam, never existed, but we were. Elohim had spoken the Genesis into an Eden paradise, and it's blessed, red soil into first the man, then this woman, now a blessed marriage, the first and only ordain of their kind, breath into them his spirit, and there they'd become a living soul, so all leading into Christ, Adam, the woman seed, the enmity, Noah's ark, Moses rod to the ark of the covenant, Lot's escape, the great and minor prophets, the seed of a virgin into ruling Israel's governments.
-There's Daniel's Four beast which strove upon the sea, into a proposed 70 weeks of years, that all of Israel repent, now laid on every word, every movement, every decision of this Holy Man describing in the midst of vicious persecution how he'd come down from heaven worship God! His Kingdom Come! Lazarus Resurrection, and last but not least the grave of all of His conversations, the thought to be forbidden Samaritan woman, Jacob's well a sudden. well this reminder of why He'd come, kings, princes, nations, temples, governments and handmaidens had this all wrong at the first, salvation was originally of the Jews, leading all to Christ, but soon finding a dark reason, crucifying their own messiah, go ye into the streets and byways, and bid yet another, any that will come, the marriage supper of the lamb hath made itself ready and we will not keep her waiting, the spirit and Bride sayeth come, why I saw her just not only reigning in heaven, but in possession of the stone made without hands, king of all kings Nebuchadnezzar witness destroy all thing rebellious.
-Apparently with many crusaders rent at the blood, heart and mind, this infected, here's the reminder, remember from whence thou art fallen. America began with purpose to win every man to Him, to the living, breathing, speaking and as so familiar God of all things created. This non conforming to evil Lord of all Lords, and King of all kings, with the Angel Gabriel stating, how his name shall be called, Jesus for He shall save his people from their sins. Herein, when I tell you, the promise of God to send strong delusions upon persons by the millions and millions that was actually worshiping America, now the beast head of westernized civilization, this is why James described it's passing, it's temporal, though fascinating oral as nothing more than a vapor of smoke, all now return to it's chaotic self.
-Unthinkably with millions even trillions in the path of such cataclysms to pandemonium, lives lost this curse from the beginning, though the soul, the soul carries on in a state, whether in heaven, or whether unrepentant it's bed is in a beyond horrid hell, it's aware forever, god him, got Jesus yet? The Apostle Paul ask the question, to now fallen from Grace, the teaching of Christ's Cross, the only way mankind is to have divine value, going into a Royal Priesthood of God, again he asked them, who hath bewitched you. To answer his I will just response as Holy Spirit lately as I was going to and fro about the house, all of a sudden I heard him say, self need to be pound into the dust, it's like a better revelation, of a hand writing in red, in midst of holy scripture, remember, red writing in gospel scripture is what Jesus is saying, thus Jesus said, "man can't do this," tempted at all points as man, yet without.
-Surely, that's choosing, by a divine anointing, Holy Spirit, not to sin, he knew what he was saying, "only the holy spirit can do this," originally meaning we must be Born Again. to perfect sinless existence, see I John 3, the flesh must be surrendered. as pounded into the dust this seed unto restoration as Jesus the night of Gethsemane, that through him, that through His Bride as He, Himself, all who will come, all answering blessed doors knocking can all be anointed, even embolden into a Spirit filled life, his heart, holy spirit within now unlikely to sin,, this divine priesthood awaiting glorification as a now three days to resurrection Jesus. Then you hear His, Jesus, God manifested in the flesh, last lament from the Cross, and this blessed servant quote Him, "it is finished," ceaselessly, come unto Him, all ye that labor unnecessarily, though your sins, be scarlet, they shall be as white as snow, though they shall be red like crimson, they shall be as (white) as wool, blessed are the dead (all die), who die in Jesus Christ, hallelujah I say.
-The righteousness of God, designed for the Adam since the foundation of the world, as I said above, was never supposed to fall into the hands of Satan's Seat, of Americans dream, but it has, it did, Adam's disobedience ushered us all into a curse of sin, while the second Adam, enmity, by his obedience, has arrived us all a better, holy, acceptable temple worship, spirit and truth, behold he stand at the door, knocking. Though because this world system has without number abandon Him, is why America's children, yet this world supposedly leader. Well, and I admit, god forgive me, but mos of children's entertainment, like prime time America, is so ridiculously mind and heart numbing, so bordering on the line of anti god/Christ, until it make me want to painfully and agonizingly pull all my hair, whereas I told one of them one day, being force to watch it, would be considered as being in a private hell, it is that spiritually, mentally and humanly dismantling.
-Come to think of it, it's possibly way America, Britain, so this mean Canad as well, simply Westerners, is commanded, not simply to be destroyed, but done to them, is what is done by them to God's people, as they're demanded to be scattered into itty, bitty pieces, in other words, obliterated. Explaining further why ELE type disasters now target them, again even their children, having forsaken God, like apostate Americans are the most suicidal, drug addicted, monstrous, murderous sexual predators on the planet, whose hour of deletion, Psa. 37, Rev. 18, has come, lose a generation to evil blackness spreading like a diligent plague, infecting the blood, lose the Godman forever.
-Yet, Still you're convinced this was all God's plan, God's plan was the rescue a remnant of believers straight, right out of the darkest times ever of mankind, a great of number of which once a weeping hurtfully John is now seeing, those an incalculable, number, those of every kind, kindred, tongue, nation and kingdom, those once held bound and captives by religion's greatest mystery, America, these present day towers of babels, (see towering building, twin towers, the business district, atop of where I witness millions stranded just as Jesus, portrayed as a good Bridegroom right in their midst as promised, just politely and all so quietly, took His.
-I know, I can't believe it either, a time table of deletion given, the Angel Gabriel appearing, the fat man singing Armageddon all, the slow motion exodus, the woman bearing black bowls along a limitless homes shelter, and now this really concerning census taking, meaning soon the release of slayers, black riders and grim reapers and death tolls US soil never, ever imagined, and if any of this is giving you cause for concern, good, it's suppose to, it's why the fist prophet Samuel to he last, The Church Bride, was ever appointed, that you like the Woman Seed, Jesus would know the truth and that truth would make you free, that loose all captivity from you. Just as the four wings were ordered not to touch the earth, the trees, until God's anointed are sealed, just as so, the celebration of the bride/bridegroom supper, was being halted, bringing about an unrecognizable silence in heaven, soon brought by holy spirits to see what was this incomprehensible for millions of years matter, even the Cherubim's intermission.
-I saw like this mountain in heaven and soon a sunlight of God, as God, as that jet setting it's growing self, right though my windows, it's shades right now, only it spoke, it spoke to every formation great or small on this planet sitting in rule or authority over it's royal priesthood, it's holy spirits and I quote, "Let My People, Do!" And Jesus answered and spake unto them again by parables, and said, The kingdom of heaven is like unto a certain king, which made a marriage for his son, And sent forth his servants to call them that were bidden to the wedding: and they would not come. Again, he sent forth other servants, saying, Tell them which are bidden, Behold, I have prepared my dinner: my oxen and my fatlings are killed, and all things are ready: come unto the marriage. The Spirit and Bride (Sunlight Of God), sayeth loose these people, those bidden to the marriage, and like Moses standing before a belligerent Egyptian Pharaoh, this isn't merely a request, this is the almighty Creator God/Savior, this is an order, surely lest they come, see Mat. 22:1-22, see also Rev. 22:17, again free thy selves, (Christ Cross), COME! Today is the day of Divine Reconciliation.
Predicting A Hussein/Jesus Millennium 2003. Bye, Bye Mrs. American Pie! www.2016jesusiethespiritofprophecy.blogspot.com
-The Enemy is inside the gate he say, I begged to differ, this enemy is inside the prophetic bed, as in all in the family. Just as Holy Spirit showed me lately, that's Jesus Millennium as a pending world peace to follow the Obama Administration. Just as a man, a US Senator 2008 began campaigning for the White house, it was demonstrated, more than ever not only with the rise of the two beast of Rev. 13, but the placement of the end time Antichrist. Now believe this Apostle these final hours of prophecy he wasn't being portrayed as the great evil, but as a loving husband, father and family man, surely as every American President, even Western leader unto desolating God's people, had been. As so to soon rule this nation, and this world, as a vicious beast of all beast overlaid in domestic apparel, a bow but no arrow.
-As I said, I beggar to differ here, US soil far surpasses this enemy in the gate scenario, it's more like beast are reigning, why I explained to a couple of Churchians leading into 2016 election, how US government is far beyond corrupt, but more a beast system . You can even say this happen September 11th, 2001, with a judgment set how like in three months, a sentence that for 190 months more something far more sinister and cataclysmic US soil this way would come. A horrid something, whereas this 190 weight scale would spin the nation, even Western Civilization into the worse ever of a tailspin along a deletion of 190 years, and when I say all of a sudden, just don't blink your eyes. So I guess you can say, only the preppers, but the born again awaiting resurrection and those having prepared their fall out shelters is again readied for the worse that's to happen to America, ever.
-This is why I told the grands, Trump's supposedly building a wall is ridiculous, how he better make it a dome and even it better be a chaotic earth, to nuclear missiles, to EMP/CME's to Nibiru retardant. God's wrath as in the days of Noah, with the worse of Revelations is coming for America, with insurmountable death tolls, placing hundreds of millions of souls in danger not for their lives. Every life born here is in danger, until the Cross of Jesus happens to them, for two millennia you only have His outreaching Gospel to thank, this dying right now, mocked, persecuted, martyred, this determined to bring you the truth, see more here, www.186yourchurchcondemhell15.blogspot.com
-Biblically, we're talking the second death, which isn't a death at all but hell, but a burning with a fire lake filled to inconceivable capacity and expansion ability. All with beyond suffering people, never, ever losing their heart, never rending it apart, never having surrendered it to the Holy Spirit/God. Herein never this born again, new creature unlikely to sin, if you don't have Jesus, pound self into the dust of blood reconciliation and get Him! Clearly, Elohim by His merciful Revelations shows Himself, casting the man He once breath a holy spirit to living soul into now unrepentant, into the fires of hell with him, don't be deceived, see more here, Rom. 12:1, 2, see more here www.repentnow2011.blogspot.com www.yourchurchcondemnsix.blogspot.com
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