Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Do You Know Where Your Bible Is? Pray Jesus Protect The Children

Do You Know Where Your Bible Is?                  

     -God Has Turn His Back, 1986, Only Jesus Is Left, Day Ninety-three, 11/21 of the "week," prophecy 08/18, a week prior to the Syrian Truce, 08/25, the countdown to resurrection (ain't no sunshine when she's (The Righteous Bride, even the Church Bride that was America, gone, see here,, and here GOH, Apb) and Daniel's week, see Dan. 9:27, see also,

Righteously Dividing The Enemy

     -Jesuis (I Am, We Are, You Are), Jesus Christ, Don't Be Alarmed Men, Islam Is Come As Of Predicting A Hussein/Jesus Millennium 2003 ...
Missions: "You Can Do This" "Steve" and "Mai" left behind the American Dream to serve God in Southeast Asia--a place Mai had left decades before as a refugee and said she'd never return to. But God began to call them, and Steve and Mai submitted to His will.
It wasn't easy, especially leaving children and grandchildren in the United States to move to Asia. But as God opened each new door, Steve and Mai said "yes" to His plan. God led them to set up a simple recording studio with used equipment they purchased on eBay. Steve went online and taught himself basic audio editing skills. Today they are producing Christian radio programs and Christian music in the language of Mai’s tribal people; Steve edits the programs even though he doesn't speak Mai's tribal language.
Steve and Mai's story will inspire and encourage you that when God calls, He will always provide what is needed to accomplish His plans if we’re willing to say "yes," and take the next step. What door is God asking YOU to walk through for His Kingdom?
You can connect with Steve and Mai's work in Southeast Asia at
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    -Like Watching Noah's Ark, a voice, "Mark 17 and 7, as the days of Noah, Jesus, Mat. 24, and there was silence in heaven, Rev. 8:1, 96 AD, my prayer closet, 1993 AD, "my people are bring stripped of everything Jesus Christ, GOH, Apb

Prophecy Links

     -Seen to be seeing a white, round, sales tag bearing the number 30, as in thirty days from November 19th, meaning December 20th, there's something about the electoral  college vote, see here,
    -Seen to be seeing the word TREASURES all black and blasted, 11/17/2016, something that couldn't happen if they were as Jesus suggested, stored away in heaven, upon you bearing His Cross.
   -Seen to be seeing the words War and the number 3, now laying as on it's back, 11/17/2016, possibly represent failed forewarning as Americans per the election, return to their deaf stage, a siege is come, US soil, regardless.

     -Don't Be Alarmed Men Islam Is Come As Of Predicting A Hussein/Jesus Millennium 2003 ...

     -But now is Christ risen from the dead, and become the first fruits of them that slept. For since by man came death, by man came also the resurrection of the dead. For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive. I Corinthians 15:20-22

     -"A Beautiful read Apple, but what does it mean? It mean sister we're all born into a cursed of sin, there is nothing that can be done without Jesus, because it wasn't just Jesus, it was Father Abraham's God disguised as Jesus, ok, ok, keep your voice down! As one being really, really cautious, moving deeper into her room from the doors, windows, this cover, possibly even the closet. "So why, why would Elohim do that? So he Marcia could spill holy blood all within the Holy of Holies, that all believers in Jesus, Gentiles, Jews it didn't matter could again be washed from sin. As so into a holy spirit, worship temple where God Himself could now dwell, meaning Marcia, our heart now his tabernacle, OK, so now the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, is always with this Godman, and no power sister can again separate them, no matter what happens on this planet, above or beneath it. Now if you read more here, (Heb. 10), this is the new covenant God would make not only with Mother Israel, but with the Gentile enemy as well, now his Heavenly heir, no more temples made with the hands of man, mankind no longer able to take the credit for our salvation. How even if they Marcia like they treated the people who followed Jesus and ban them from the temple, it wouldn't matter, God now in the heart mean Holy Spirits, angels even, you know, like Psalms 91 says are always with these people of the cross. Ah my god, so you're telling me you learn all of that? Yet whispering this careful, even watching the door this alert, it was apparent their conversation, wasn't allowed. "Yeah," as one holding a forbidden King James version bible to her direction, smiling this wondrous smile, ejecting the most wondrous spirit ever, truly where was her made miserable, even violent by religion brother? "And not just hearing it, but by reading it all here, this read go far beyond the prophets, but into a God who puts on all of man's infirmities and Marcia, jeopardizes everything we know is heaven and beyond imaging to save us, to save Marcia, to restore little bitty oh us. Anyway Papa say get ready, they're having a meeting at the Jewish Center, we all have to be there, announcements will be made, wait, what about their book, this revelation? All true Marcia, every word, you better believe it, as true as Moses and the Genesis, get up, get ready, you know how papa is. Hey this all said, between us right? I don't think Apple it matters if their book of Revelation is fulfilling just a little, it is the end. I haven't heard clearly but sister I'm not surprised if these meetings isn't about President Elect Trump. For you see just last night, this strange happen, never before happen. "Which remind me," as one piercing wondering eyes, thoughts into the ceiling, all the more building her curiosity to heighten limits, "in this Juttah place, I still can't believe you went there, nothing hidden in your heart or mind is safe, can't believe Papa allowed you, it's like you see right through every person, nothing is hidden, papa really had to be desperate, is that just about scary? Anyway I heard a voice say, synchronize Israel, as so another and even more fore boarding,"go and get the 12 heirs," wait, you mean the 12 heirs as those mention in their book of revelation, the marking of the 144,000 of the 12 Apple Tribes of Israel, what? What else does it say about them? Get out so I can dress, wait, how much do you know about the revelation book? I can tell you, I keep your secret you keep mind, there is this underground meeting, well it's not understood just covert, well it's what we been studying, the leader is part of this Juttah, a Sia Creek Canyon Deburk, I don't even know if I should've said his name, so just forget it you hear, hey you hear!Yes, yes, continue, well, he just mesmerizes with every word, said this Maaseiah person has seen the fulfillment of all of it, then sister you need to take me, I will, but now Apple papa is waiting, remember? Yeah, yeah OK, later, look are you in some far off way telling me you're saved? I could Apple ask you the same, go, go your way, please, and I'm warning you, forget it, the name! Ok, Ok, forgotten, see you down stairs, hurry!"     >>>"News of Turkey is in the media again, something about a Syrian no fly zone, well are we surprised? I mean, that's good, surely the Holy Lords of Israel showing Maaseiah Jesus' millennium following Obama's there should be more attention shown these territories than the highly anticipated US/ Trump/Clinton, elections, now onto it's trembling the heart Electoral College vote. This leaning on historic one now recently tagged this 30 day countdown as of Nov. 19th, itself, meaning Dec. 19th, possibly what the "Week," prophecy, ending in the making of the last failed Syrian Truce is equally about. Yeah Maaseiah said, the Holy Lords of Israel giving so special attention to the last Syrian truce, even that it involved Geneva mean a Syrian, to Israeli stay of executing one the other dissolving these territories along bible prophecy is the only authorized by God all these Millennials of it's kind. Giving her a word just prior the US celebration of Independence day, as so the failed, Turkey Coup, of and I quote her "Turkey Leg," this pundit no less. News of any of them, especially of Truces, is thus the most important policy on the table of politics and warmongering of both men and Fantastic Beast ever, again she said, more or less. Yes, Chey, it is these sorely inundated with biblical prophecies areas having already decided the world's fate by first thing cancelling out America, even the West, the world, long questionable, highly contagious, deadly participation, whose deletion is portrayed by the beast once allying her, now with a more sinister diligence turn on her to her destruction. Then Marked Tree, you're saying America is forever changed, even have out lived it's infamous days, that's changed Lion Wolf or unveiled as the great whore of religion, of Satan's seat, it since just a taste of the forbidden fruit actually is?" As one pouring himself a healthy glass of lemon aid, had all family and friends gathered this great day of thanks, the Paris Globe, all full to the brim and more, now with the Tribe, into the conference room this talk; the last of it's kind, with them all relocating into the African Juttah, nearly done now. "Yeah well when God like now take all their money away, this second to disobedience stumbling block of iniquity their will be nothing for them to do but fight. I, I know uselessly and pointlessly as always, but battle it all out they will, you could even say like in the beginning when they had no money, just these epidemics of wars of every capacity civil, regional, religious, to world wars right into the finale of especially Ezekiel's Gog and Magog, the field of Megiddo, Armageddon. That's again Apache with Jesus' Millennium following Obama we talking what? Like eight years from now, that's counting the Brides Resurrection between now and Oct. 2017, see here  -So all world leaders may as well get to it, praise the hallelujah Lord there is finally nothing else, it's why they are who they are, where they are and why they're being greatly influence and manipliated one fate or another. Further meaning Trump, what Maaseiah design a Truexit was no more elected to save America, than Obama now being blamed for it and this world being in this financial whore's bed, financial destruction, meaning they all right now have Secretary of State, John's Kerry mission of an Islamic to Israeli ceasefire, and that for seven years, least they all perish from these leaderships position, from the way of preventing God's Will from being done here, the fulfillment of Rev. 17, Dan. 7. Yeah, Maaseiah witness it's fruition with or by an Israeli agreement with one called Hamath, you mean Hamas? No, she said in the dream it was Hamath, once a part of Syria I believe, but now Palestinian, anyway scary similarities huh? Yeah, the Hamas government hate Israel just about as much as Israel hate them, hate Bronze Coten is such a strong word, then brother Sabertooth, let me say it again. They, as in Father Abraham's two sons, Isaac and Ismail, both hate Saber, one the other, like ancient fueling blood, brothers even neighbors. Such is why the common denominator (hindrance), here has always been America, don't get me wrong, for it's own gain, standing betwixt them, rid both these nations of Western lethal interventions, that's meddling and we're well on our way to the finale of Daniel's Week, I kid you not.  Which will Bronze explain Holy Spirits designing the fall of the dispensation of America the mid nineties along this world's apparent Achilles Hill, again, the wealth, this stumbling block, the abominable sacrifices of the wicked, their Mystery America, Maaseiah says. Hey, Achilles, that's my brother's, ah name, yeah Beowulf man we know, but in this descriptive it mean the greatest of giants like Mystery America weakest spot, point. Remember for Samson it was said to be his hair, when just his belief and dependence in God, now wielding the jawbone of an ass, gave him his overall power to defeat not his, but God's enemies, Yeah Beo man, why do the heathen rage and the rebellious imagine a vain thing as to war against God and His Anointed. Elohim, Himself, having appointed them all things divine, holy and acceptable unto God, all that they continue this indescribable reign as Heir with Them? Just think none of it could've existed, except they spilled blood, unless they spill blood, because they spill blood, and as they're planning right now, to spill blood. Hey Americans, 11 O'clock shopping lunch hour all, we'll save you, just let us go and slay as many more nations and people as you allow of your blood treasuries, though god forbid, thank Him, God forbid. Ok, ok, who spiked the egg nod? Ah Lion Wolf  man, you know it's true, all of man's treasures are covered in blood, from the foundation of this world, beginning with the crucifixion of the woman seed. What's wrong with you Medicine, you turning white over there, yeah maybe he need his spiked, no, a vision a night or so ago, I saw the word Treasures, all black and blasted, you know, reminded of Maaseiah's prophecy how they're to become so worthless, not set in heaven, unable now to even give them away. Yes well again is the heart gripping reminder how all attention should be paid either ascension or an exodus by cataclysms, anyway Medicine man you know this, ah, I choose ascension in case you guys are asking. Speaking of ascension, that remind me, as I dozed into a sleep last Easter, in the midst of viewing Passion of Christ, I even began to speak in the same tongue as they were. Soon, again, as I dozed betwixt sleep I watched the ceiling seem to open into this glorious light, and an angel, his wings and everything begin to descend, only I woke up out of it, why Oh my God why? Wasn't that Sioux just another demonstration of what Maaseiah is now telling us, that Jesus our Messiah is closer to the People of the Cross, I so love that descriptive, than He's been since the early disciples, into Apostles witness Him ascend? I know man, but there was yet like this bitter taste just as you swallow of regret, yeah Sioux, but so is the stretched to her limits woman; anxious beyond comprehension to give birth being sent back because her time is not yet. Only what? She's still in labor and about to be delivered, as so is the Righteous Bride right now, and that's how Maaseiah explained it, giving testament, having bore three children. How at last her water broke, as the Living Water of life, Jesus breaks through the clouds, it meant at last they couldn't send her back, a newness was come, Amen, amen, wow Cheyenne man, wow! That remind me of what John saw, the woman ready to give birth, and the Dragon, Satan, awaited it's arrival so he could destroy it at first light, sight, only it was soon captured into the heavens out of his reach, meaning, I mean couldn't that mean all of us. Israel gave us Jesus, he's captured up, Jesus gave us the Bride, she's captured up, the Bride gives us the 144,000 this witness, now a reconciled Israel, also captured up, this finale of all things biblical. Yeah Lion Wolf, beyond beautiful, only now, the great white throne judgment, and millions being tossed into hell as a result of it, and none of us, not even the mass host of heaven, even want to imagine it! You guys do know what you're saying right, remember Maaseiah's 2003 prophecy, "Mark 17 and 7," the Bride resurrected 2017 and returns exactly 7 years later, again, 17 and 7, stop you guys, stop slapping me silly, you mean aware Beowulf, no, you Medicine mean aware, I mean silly, as in all that is unbelievable, Lord please help my unbelief."     >>>"When you said your parents, I thought, no, I died in Paris remember, I rose to life, a coffin in the US, but my parents, actually my grand's Cole who raised me, they're in Australia, that is where I'm going; they've only heard, they're desperate as you would imagine, to see me. So will you consider the Juttah as your sister Tennyson? I've given it a lot of thought, why I didn't sleep much last night, I saw the strangest thing though, I witness the setting purposely of this ring of fire, one seeming fueled canister after another, all around, again purposely. There was also something about persons again living on plantations, these slaves I guess, of course this would be the whole rebellious world enslaved under sin and disobedience. There were even those who were evacuated into a closed border of Mexico, my god this nation, this world is going and how fast you know, and horridly so. You see instantly Cole I thought about the Ring of Fire of the Pacific Coast which tracks the seismic movement of all volcanic to earthquake activity, now no longer this laying in wait of this greatest of disasters. Even so much so there are some scientist now able to virtually predict especially earthquakes, why there's a serious warning to as quickly as you can get away from California, to Yellowstone, to the New Madrid fault. To be honest, there is need to evacuate the whole of America, Maaseiah think that should've been the sole purpose of Obama's Administration, failed, whereas now she has labored Trumps' a Truexit, as in get out while you still can. So to be honest, the African Juttah is looking really good right now  but how to persuade the parents you know, your loved ones, I fear it's only as we Cole make this Truexit first of all.  Regretfully yes, and you Ctentri just referred to us as a couple, I don't know," as one like melting comfortably, a deep, soothing breath, eyes closed, soon this yarn, his passage seat, flight, all with a yet curious Nicole left with many questions still. Especially how, well with all eyes on America, it was apparent they weren't getting the message, they couldn't see the sign urgently blinking red this the as was said of it, Trump to Truexit, and of course, she had loved ones, what about them? "Well, I guess I do know, Maaseiah been seeing evacuations to a massive exodus out of this country, with at least one of these regretful destinations being Africa for decades now, so I guess Cole you can say it's kinda inedible, the dispensation that was once America is over, said and done. I'm gonna get some shut eye, this flight is for many hours now, yeah, yeah, you rest, me too I guess." Still, making sense of the dream she had herself, how it wasn't clear, they were in America, but at the same time, America was no more, really, really curious, truly beyond desolations were now come, awake, be aware as God, Himself, Apb, The RAM, see more here,,

  -Apostle's Note: Why Speak In Parables, He, Jesus answered and said unto them, Because it is given unto you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it is not given. See Mat. 13:10, 11, see more here,

    -Apparently Elohim does see us, He isn't ascended nor is He oblivious of the issues of men, as said of him by the people of Ezekiel's day. Though is He as is proven especially in Rev. 17:13, the One truly, actually controlling them, heretofore knowing the heart, even every word on the tongue. Truly I as all of Jesus Christ ministries throughout this nation, this world, thus like Him, Jesus, we are sent to tell you primarily one blessed thing, "repent or perish," God's Kingdom Reign, believe this Apostle, these truths were again made evident the moment an appearing Angel Gabriel 05/15/04/05 mention a Seventh Angel, see more here Rev. 11, see also,

     Listening To: Kim Walker Smith, Holy Spirit, you are welcome here:


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