Sunday, November 27, 2016

This Stone From Heaven Crashing Them, Come Lord Jesus

Do You Know Where Your Bible Is?                              

     -God Has Turn His Back, 1986, Only Jesus Is Left, Day Ninety-four, 11/22 of the "week," prophecy 08/18, a week prior to the Syrian Truce, 08/25, the countdown to resurrection (ain't no sunshine when she's (The Righteous Bride, even the Church Bride that was America, gone, see here,, Apb) and Daniel's week, see Dan. 9:27, see also,

Righteously Dividing The Enemy                                                     

Prophecy Links

    -Seen to be seeing a white, round, sales tag bearing the number 30, as in thirty days from November 19th, meaning December 20th, there's something about the electro college vote, see here,
    -Seen to be seeing the word TREASURES all black and blasted, 11/17/2016, something that couldn't happen if they were as Jesus suggested, stored away in heaven, upon you bearing His Cross.
    -Seen to be seeing the words War and the number 3, now laying as on it's back, 11/17/2016, possibly represent failed forewarnings as Americans per the election, return to their deaf stage, a siege is come, US soil, regardless.

Do Be Alarmed Men Islam Is Come As Of Predicting A Hussein/Jesus Millennium 2003

What God/Jesus/Bride want you know, default or not, US dollar going to collaspe,

What Satan/Mystery America/Apostste Church, need you to believe, Stunning! Dow hits new high of 19,000 as Trump rally continues,

Dreams, Visitations And Allegories                      

    Swing Low, Sweet Chariot are the lyrics to a song I begin singing while in the park with park with my grands lately, it's new to me, so I know, it's a reassuring word from the Holy Spirit, see, hear more here,,GOH, (Beware, I, Apb, saw a giant enough to blank and block out the sky crysal diamond, dove as this coming to the rescue divine catching away.

Strip Americans! Antichrist To Kill Those Now Broke, Kill All Parents By

     So it was in the days of the prophet, you had the righteous watchers forewarning hard but needful things so the people could prepare their hearts and lives accordingly, no more false safety, whereas you had well meaning procrastinators, all to maintain heir popularity and thus gain, telling people only those things they need to hear, it'll matter how horribly they got caught unaware, it wasn't them, nor their families, they where all prepped and ready when the worse happen, and it was, despite crystal skies, prophetically they were the worse storms ever, or ever to come, beware, Apb, The RAM...

This Continuous Procreation

THE UNENDING LOVE ANTEDOTE ...The African Juttah 2012

And these are the descendants of the beauty rescued from the hands of the beast: Beast Of Beauty Featuring Collin Hain Johnaason
      Unto Collin Hain Johnaason and Andrea Lorene Gray was born their first son Corte Michael Johnaason, a son Nicholas Francisco Johnaason, and a daughter, Erica Ilesha Gray

     -All I'm saying Hain man is that it doesn't seem like it ok, like the end, even Trump's campaign slogan is make America great again, yet Calem there isn't enough money, power or authority in the world, and it's a realism that is all around us at the same time that it's not so obvious, but God did promised them it wouldn't, ex, ex, excuse me, what? Yeah, strong delusions, believing convenient lies, so they'll cry peace and safety until the end, until they're horribly taken and there's nothing to do about it. So you are Andre telling us the stillness is also a cursed, clearly, all crystal skies, including America are suspicious, ok, as one tearing into a hand over the mouth curiosity, ok, I think I'm gonna, I just vomit in my throat, yeah I'm gonna be," as one moving off a crouch positon at holding his mouth, his stomach, this stagger, did friend Piers, Murry get right after him with concern. "So you're Andre telling us the calm, meaning this election, even's UK's Brexit is a subterfuge, as much Terrance as that stunning rainbow, as though God had changed his mind about Satan manipulating and mutating the Godman the day of the supreme court same sex marriage vote, just remember, God chasten (corrects), only those He Love, gave the rebellious into sexual abnormalities up long, long ago. Equally, this abomination that maketh desolate standing in the holy place John the Baptist, the 12 and the Bride hath all laid until Christ's Cross and Millennium, according to Maaseiah seen following behind Obama's Administration. So again, all the more making Trump the more Maaseiah's proposed Truexit than anything, ah come Harlem you too? As one sickly taking a sip of his glass, swallowing the bitterest of revelation no doubt, these were as always such hard sayings to realities to digestions. "What, all yall gonna pile up in the restroom this heart desolated? Just so you know, it's no more a hiding place than this entire earth, and that's the place Maaseiah was when she witness a world of stranded people atop these high-rise buildings, yeah Hain, like greater deluges had happen, wow, I never saw that, how they were even more sicken, even heart stricken by the reality Jesus had come in unaware as promised and taken the Bride. It's all of what Jesus meant, even Maaseiah's 17 and 7, even that authentic of end time movies like The day after/Tomorrow, Knowing, 2012, how the people of Noah's day didn't know or wouldn't accept Harlem man what was happening until the flood waters come and took them away, so you guys for a certainty, even prophetically, the calm is a cursed upon mankind, illusion . Nothing can save this planet, after Adam's fall nothing actually could, as so nothing can save America whereas calamities so disastrous the whole world over are made panic, homeless and endangered simultaneously, actually the more Western influence permeate the earth the more people are going to suffer this unknowing, even the rebellious and wake up in hell, this is why Jesus told them, let no man deceive you, this is what is happening, only from then until now the Angel Gabriel just forewarn we've entered into fulfilment. Yet and still only by His Mercy, you guys alarms are all around, so many you can't count them, yet these endangered people, it's human species just push right through them as weeds in a massive field, Broadway, proven of the last election they're all plowing through, the cart before the horse no less into the American dream, now revealed it's expert delusions. Regardless all you guys is saying, tell them, well we are, we have, we will, for two millennials and counting every second you hear the voice not only of reasoning but divine forewarnings, the righteous bride as with Jesus has been trusted with this blessed task of getting people to Jesus. Yeah Hain now you guys, all of you, he now have a good idea what the dream about the sky crystalizing, carving into huge shods and falling to crush and destroy all things man, and all running for lives accordingly, even seeing two crystalized beast, how it's to represent a Yellowstone or some other, super volcano super eruption, ELE, why Andre here, witness lately the intentional setting of fires, of these fuel canisters all around this circle of lethal potentials. Man what is worse, to be taken by this sky stretching deluge or Volcano lava, really, water or fire, drown or burn to death, give me the water any day, wow Calem man you look a little green, yeah and I feel it too, you ready to go? Go, come on man, tell me you're not serious, you begged to be here," Harlem twin brother Calem, seeming he just couldn't take it anymore, easily had his heart, eyes fix the exit door, so which brother you think is worse, drowning or burning to death, Harlem man, leave him alone, no, just because you deny it, don't make it go away, when you know storms are coming, you keep an update and you prepare yourself accordingly, right, am I right about that? Yes, ok, yes you're right about that, we still have a lot to do before moms dinner party right? Which remind me, you and Andre coming or what? I hear you with child, you all's first, I mean how truly classic, so what about that, you and the doomster wife can go on like all is normal, but we can't we go on Calem because for faithers that is what the whole armor of God is for, resting in his promises, letting him decide for us, you think there wasn't a time I didn't feel the same, that I hated every word, and did some horrid thing as to rebel, even repel it? All of us being a lineage of cursed blood, shaped sin the mother's born to serve Satan and Demons thus incapable of finding God, are doomed this way until Jesus' blood fine us, deem us worthy and lead us His way, knock, knock, knock, any takers? I told you Calem man, didn't I tell you how it was with them, Piers and Murry even verified it and you acting as though forewarning never happen. I Hope to see you and Dre at the party, it's gonna be really nice, and look I did like this research on what's happen, regarding Yellowstone, there's rumored, after they assassinated Col. Gaddafi for his Un0ited states of Africa, American leaders, 10 billions dollars for ten years, to basically what the Col. was attempting, ah, as a history of philosophers would have it, only with a spin, what  tangled pots and kettles of webs we've spin, ok, that's concerning, see Harlem escort his made sorely doubting Thomas of a brother out with them, Piers, Murry, leaving only Terrance with them, Andre's cousin, that seem that Apple's situation all over again, I'm just saying, well thank god for his armor, and ministering  angels, so what about the party, no, I think Calem had enough of us and our doomsday scenarios for one day, don't you Hain man mean there's, for the great day of his wrath is come and who shall be able to stand? Right, Right, see you guys later, and just so you I feel beyond blessed to have friends like yourselves, keep up the goodest ever work, you  too Terrance man, you too. so what you think, ah they had me and the unborn at birthday, as in cake and Ice cream, you don't go to party for that, it's the steaks and eggs and waffles, huh, now you're just hungry, actually starving, so, so the party isn't for hours, I vote we find us an Ihop, you, and have the party for dessert, I agree that my stunning husband truly know and love me, and don't you forget it.  

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