Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Caliea Noel Statesman, Why Speak In Parables?

Do You Know Where Your Bible Is?                                    

-God Has Turn His Back, 1986, Only Jesus Is Left, Day One Hundred And One, 11/29 of the "week," prophecy 08/18, a week prior to the Syrian Truce, 08/25, the countdown to resurrection (ain't no sunshine when she's (The Righteous Bride, even the Church Bride that was America), gone, see here, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tIdIqbv7SPo, Apb) and Daniel's week, see Dan. 9:27, see also, www.deaththeillusion2016.blogspot.com

Righteously Dividing The Enemy

Jesuis (I Am, We Are) Jesus Christ, ...From Poetry Rising 04/09/2003,
…The Interval…Whether it’s Nicholas Edin summoning his Tiffany Ann, or Sioux Noel his Maaseiah Adonai or Christian Cros his Lord Urusalim eternal ‘Failing Nights is a heartfelt admission inconceivable of how lonesome. Or how we, mankind long for his one single, most proficient, even God induced love affair so immortal…Henceforth this Apostle give you…

Failing Nights

-My Dear Maaseiah, the failing nights are laying a foundation of solitude and isolation is all but drilling lastingness and continuance has to offer. It is those encounters you hold fast, as well their well-versed voices, chatter and laughter and soon. Just as soon a sunup bring on its heel an even more drooling after dark than lonesomeness. How to spend this great imperilment I beseech thee, this dismal archenemy and my sole heart its sitting duck?

-Although this night judiciously contiguous and adjacent to impending regions. Another half sown apart and away from me by an inevitable yet unyielding loathing, where art thou immortal life, love? When art thou? We're discovered tend toward our cognition, we're blasted with shamefacedness and yes leaning there where we will not, or it's perhaps cannot, we're incapable of realizing the heart of man, his kind.

-However beloved who is to care? Capable instead are we at comprehending the heart of the Supreme, whose heart upon which I'm twin. Yes I'm twofold and retrieved as one anguishing extensively in the direction of my undying one. That we neither overdraw nor desist but hope for one the other, summoning ourselves to an appointment of performing singleness.

This night so distinctive, imperiling me so, breaking down a given up soul, hark tis a voice "remember from whence thou art broken and mend, mend it say mend and bring thyself again.” Accounted for and absorbed, a sharp, eerie silence in my shadow's blood. He is those fallen in love, I heard you so well, a cup of trembling, overflowing and spilled.

-Today thou begun a voyage into the bewitching hour, collaborating with time's duration on its intended cower. En route for eternity art my love gone deep, how deep my love, indeed what character, which stage, as I'm to discover unremittingly thy loathsome fate? Yes thou art mine immortal, the occurrence of a wild yonder breeze, recover thy beloved again, I beseech thee. From Beast of Beauty, fea. Maaseiah Adonai and Arise Sioux Noel, Wr. By: Patricia A Bradford, Apostle, The Rising Above Ministry (RAM) (c) copyright 2008-2014, beware, Apb, the RAM, see more here, www.deaththeillusion2016.blogspot.com

   Like Watching Noah's Ark, a voice, "Mark 17 and 7," 2003, like the days of Noah, Mat. 24, Jesus, and there was silence in heaven, Rev. 8:1, 96 AD, my prayer closet, 1993, "my people are being stripped," GOH, Apb

Prophecy Links

-Seen to be seeing a blinking black and white sign of the word, DEATH! An outbreak of Memorials on US soil, even on the map, 11/26/2016
-Seen to be seeing the word TREASURES all black and blasted, 11/17/2016, something that couldn't happen if they were as Jesus suggested, upon bearing His Cross, stored away in heaven.
-Seen to be seeing a blinking black and white sign of the word, DEATH! An outbreak of Memorials on US soil, even on the map, 11/26/2016
-A Voice Declaring: "Kill all parents by, I pause here as I don't remember clearly the date, 2015 is past, we're in 09/21 of 2016, with something in the form of an ELE US soil, by Oct. 2017, this way coming, beware, Apb

Gone Fishing, The Grim Reaper

Blessed Are Those In The First Resurrection, The Second Death Hath No Power www.thegoodshepherd2016.blogspot.com

     -"All I know is when I heard him repeat her, and without bating an eye, I was like who are these people? And this close to the holidays, I'm like, I mean though I'm not a parent, I get like this cold chill all over Amire man just thinking about it. Yeah, well Maaseiah's Intrepid Dream prophecy, the ending of Westernize Civilization totally by 2017, threatening Dem man Millions US soil, come to her Christmas night, 2001 remember? Ok, ok, but Dem, say what? An Ice cream cone Craftsman, really? Yeah, it was this or a candied Apple, it's field day you guys, why you sitting in the grass just chatting, get with it, now say what? The command that all parents should be killed by a certain date, my God what? Exactly, but Sia Deburk repeating what Maaseiah did say our last meeting, just as normal man, like no cause for alarm, ah Dem man not unless you'll a parent, how she heard it just as it was being commanded, you know. Just give me a little lick Craft man, no, you think I want your tongue on my cone? Go Bel man and get you one, though the line is wrapped around the building, you'll have one by the end of these festivities, whatever man. So what could that even mean and is there any validity to it, I'm just saying? Validity, with Maaseiah? A million times yes Bellamy man, she get dreams, visions, allegories, prophetic songs, she has recorded hundreds of them, as she hear what both holy and evil spirits are saying, planning. You remember that San Bernardino shooting, she had a dream where she was introduced to Syed Farshook, the shooter the night past, said by the events of this dream she knew one thing, these attacks were only the beginning of a new, embolden brand of terrorism she's been seeing, predicting especially since 1998. Okay, ok, so it, they, ah, God couldn't be talking about all parents right? I mean I have parents, we all do, I'm just saying, asking, possibly Dem man those apostate, ah to rebellious, meaning this outstanding order, you know what you guys, I need more than she heard a voice. Hey Craft man what you, you gonna eat it, drink it or wear it, or Dem man, share it? "Rest thirty thousand lives, what, what is that? "Rest thirty thousand lives," imagine hearing that, shaking it off like it's nothing, a month or so later, an earthquake happens, Iranian soil and claim exactly that number of lives, exactly, Maaseiah, yes, Maaseiah?' Wow Amire man, wow! You all have to remember, all prophecies about the Antichrist, the Wine Press of God, of God enforcing His Will, the seven seals, trumpets, vials, are all forewarnings about this massive taking of lives. That's not even counting the battle of Armageddon, without divine intervention, Jesus Millennium, these turf wars would completely decimate mankind into oblivion, all of you know this. So at this point parents are in the most trouble, the one children are commanded to obey, ok Dem man that's brilliant, what, what did I say? Children are commanded to obey their parents in the Lord, so this call has to be for disobedient parents, thinking they own their kids, but not just parents, all overseers of them. Yeah, like that teacher, educator lately Amire, bragging on social media how she was leading her four year old students into same sex marriage. How she just took this evil purpose upon herself, well, according to Jesus' Revelations warning, not only is she wishing for death this lengthy sickbed, but those intertwine into her corrupt marriage are cast into the worse tribulations ever, and every offspring of theirs now as contaminated are threaten with death, talk Dem man about your scariest as hell! Yeah that's the forewarning of Jesus' Revelations at all those in sexual abnormalities, and we're not just talking the gay and lesbian movement, as all unrighteousness you guys is sin, so is all fornication, fornication? Oppositions, even opposing the Juttah, meaning all non Genesis marriage, naturally born male and female, Elohim God, vows, marriage, until death do them part. As you said, like the Juttah vows, wow, and he finally speaks, ah, again, stop it Craftsman, man, I know that sound odd right, a brain twister, why I get to be called by my full name, Craftsman, I'm just saying, I was there, in the Juttah and I'm telling you, it's being designed to be like Him, like this Christ of yours, to be unlike anything on this planet, I swear it. I'm still Apple man trying to get past the part of you physically being in the Juttah, yeah, SHRINKS brought me and about 12 others there, that's where I met Kerry, even asked her to marry, asked her to marry! You only known her for a few weeks, my god Apple, that place, this Juttah, it makes you feel and think this way, righteously I guess, it is like a divine retreat for young marriage worshippers, and Kerry said, their workers, all others beware, so what did she say? As one finishing his party favorite, having set his eye on the sack races for sure, even the bull's-eye window, perhaps stand in the popcorn line, it doesn't matter really, we'll marry, I've seen it, ok, then, I'm off to one of many of these long lines, anyone want to join me?     >>>"He is a dream Caliea, so how did you meet him? Ah, the Consultant Hall just as he arrived the other day, looking like this little lost puppy dog, I just has to have him, huh? Yeah, I've known him a few days yet he agreed to enter Negeb Ophel with me, this miracle at least, so what's Egan Herenton's story? Ok, Nicole what part of we've just met didn't you get? I mean he does keep going on and on about something really bad that he's done, so I keep reminding Him he couldn't be here unless forgiven. He is a prize indeed" a witness of how Egan, Herenton is really determined to fully understand the rules of the Juttah, sitting, reading quietly to himself even this hospice for getting a full physical to mental evaluation after the horror of being taken by reapers, almost as one coming back from the dead, "a prize my sisters at first sight no doubt. Cali, what about all the others, those that wasn't released? We heard their loved ones crying, even screaming, it too was sooo, surreal? I was hoping, as in holding my breath you Cole nor Isa would remind me of that. Ah, that's me, go, go, I can't wait to get you guys home to mom , dad and Christian anxiously waiting. You hungry, thirsty? Coming upon an intensely dissolved into his research, even doing the waiting area, Egan Herenton, nothing, thanks, that remind me," as one having a seat at his apparent reluctance, did she have a need to simply involve him, "have you, you haven't eaten in a day or so right? No, no appetite, have you read this? Ah every title as Jesus would say, ...but no Cal, I'm fine, go be with them, go be with your sisters, they need you more now than ever, okay, I get the message, no message, just taking it all in as forewarn, ok, ok, as need be."     >>>Mrs. Shorts? Seeing sorely emotional students huddled in tears, outside, in the hall, now the cafeteria, "yeah Beethoven man I heard she died, massive heart attack while leading the choir, but Beethoven man, something even more curious is going on, guess what she was singing? A song about the Holy Spirit, and then all of a sudden, her heart stops, you said what a horrible Spirit she has, that she had no business working with kids. Even how begrudging her seeming righteous works, you're Kadesh, referencing Ananias and Sapphire, yeah BFA man, I'm just saying, Mrs. Shorts may not be looking down from heaven after all, I know that's what's to be said doing all memorials but it just isn't so, not if she died grieving the Holy Ghost. Jesus warn of that, people after him with all these speciality gifts, but their hearts are far from him. How that meant we never knew Him, nor Kadesh He us, remember that most of all, I mean, as long as we have sin. What you think Aggie man? Ah, well,  my grand Maaseiah taught us to always use death and dying for an opportunity to press Christ Cross onward, it when once harden persons are most vulnerable. Christ's Cross being the reality, the only blessed death where America is the delusionist, the path to hell. Though even knowing all of this, for them it's grievous, of course Sully man we're grieving, long suffering like our Heavenly Father that none perish, remember? Well, I heard they're dismissing early, good because this right here is just sad, yeah lay not up for thyselves treasures upon the earth, yeah Aggie, but who knew that meant your loved ones as well. Thus you guys labor not for the meat that perisheth, and fear not the one killing the body, but the body and soul in hell's fire, reference God, death is not the oddity nor the anomaly, that would be actually heartily serving Jesus. You do know you guys are saying it's a form of foolishness to past through this short visit unguarded and unprotected from what's to come next, if not the pearly gates, then the consuming flames from the lake burning with impenetrable fires? All I know Aggie and you BFA man, I'm glad you all are on our side, yeah the right side, hand of God Apple, where Christ is, well, was, before right now tearing through all that is heaven and beyond after the people of the cross, spoken Agurus like grand ma, ma, Maaseiah, right?" Awake, beware as God Himself, Apb, The RAM, also see, www.theark1986-2016.blogspot.com, also see, www.thelightofctentri.blogspot.com      

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