-God Has Turn His Back, 1986, Only Jesus Is Left, Day One Hundred and fiftheen,12/13 of the "week," prophecy 08/18, a week prior to the Syrian Truce, 08/25, the countdown to resurrection (ain't no sunshine when she's (The Righteous Bride, even the Church Bride that was America), gone, see here, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tIdIqbv7SPo, Apb) and Daniel's week, see Dan. 9:27, see also, www.deaththeillusion2016.blogspot.com
Righteously Dividing The Enemy
Jesuis (I Am, We Are) Jesus Christ, The Revelations Of Jesus Christ, Which God Gave Unto Him, To Show Unto His Servant John, Revelation, 17, Verses, 16, 17, See Also Jimmy Swaggart, Expositors Bible
16 And the ten horns which thou sawest upon the beast, (pertains to the ten nation confederation, which will make up the seven heads, JSM), these shall hate the whore, (at least some if not all of the ten head confederation will come out of he middle East; Islam rule this part of the world, and it is a rule which has all but destroyed these countries; the implication is the religious of Islam will be put down by his confederacy, JSM) [Although I agree with father Swaggert in many areas, it is here I disagree, this great whore isn't Islam, but Mystery, the one thing keeping the antichrist from being totally revealed. How only when the Bride is snatched out, and this mystery whore revealed for who it truly is, will his identity be made clear.
-Known in the past as the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, {again mystery, Apb}, to Nimrod's Towel of Babel, to eventually Revelations Mystery Babylon and here at present, Mystery America. Truly, the artificial, predatory lending disguised as America, thus world diplomacy, loan to deluded iron men, by the Great Whore, Herself, that bedazzled into a costly beyond description distraction.
-This revelation of sorts will further explain why after a mighty than explainable disaster happen to her, Mystery America as is described in Revelation 18, I must add. Well, nations of Islam took it's proposed here, reign. Islam like all religion will be put down as the antichrist rule move into fruition, but not as Mystery, ask yourself, what's mysterious about Islam? We know from whence it come and we like all nations, religions, we know where it's going, the same can be said about Israel, about all nations, with the exception of America.
As I said, Islam will be put down as the antichrist use these ten heads to first begin dismantling like at present, into Mystery's destruction. Then as well, go on to destroy three of these heads all to reach the greatest of it's prowess until by the stone cut out without hands decimate him, into judgment and the lake of fire, Apb), and shall make her desolate and naked, and shall eat her flesh, and burn her with fire. (this exclaims the fact that these ten heads under the antichrist will institute and carry out a campaign of elimination a sit regards the religion of Islam, and is in fact, any other religion in his domain, All of these religions.) {Surely what is presently happen to America, especially since 2015, why I witness these two beast rise, as did Obama's pending, two weeks and seven years, all now expired, administration, Apb}, will be replaced by beast worship, JSM), {Though this is describing all religions end, said end will begin at that world Empire of religions, holding all mankind a slave to bewilderment's delicacies of every supposedly whorish treatment right into the judgment seat. So we're talking the greatest and most ancient of Babel's, into the setting up and staging of politics and governments, of commence and unforeseen innovations. Just this towering into heavens with the promise of replacing Godliness, as so that all too incredible to fall, Mystery Babylon/America, John then and this Apostle presently witness behind the Intrepid Dream 2001-2017, judgement, so suddenly and cataclysmically, gone away into both an Islamic to Antichrist, rule, I'll say it again, there is just no other prophetic way, Jesus' Millennium can follow Obama's, except this week is finish, believiest thou this?)
17 For God hath put in their hearts to fulfil his will, (while the ten heads have their own agenda, God Will use it to bring about his will, JSM) {This is why I claimed in the beginning, Russia allying Assad's Syria, possibly completely unbeknownst to him, is all for the fulfillment of bible prophecy, well, these ten heads, Apb} and to agree, and give their kingdom unto the beast, (the ten leaders of these nations will give their authority to this beast, JSM) {It is prophesied here, that this transference will take place as these leaders unknowingly spend an hour of decision making with this beast, Those reading behind me know how concern and suspicious I was how and when it was made, oddly, that it took an hour of US deliberating.
-That's to come into agreement with Syria and Russia, regarding the last Geneva induced Syrian Truce, one would then think, with these two beast rising, just as Obama's. Plainly, that's with Obama's timetable expired, where US systems are possibly empowered by the beast, that the hour with the beast prophecy was realized here, 08/25/2016. Here reminding you, this was just before a "week," countdown, given to me, whereas all nations in question or mystery are to get themselves back to, this single Truce in particular, having the most of importance of all those prior, Apb}, until the words of God shall be fulfilled, (This will last until the great tribulation has ended, which will be at the battle of Armageddon, JSM) {The Holy Spirit is further revealing, how we've advanced upon this final week of Daniel, right here, right now, not only by the Angel Gabriel declaring us that proposed mankind. As so the mentioning of the sounding of the seventh angel, but especially by the portrayal of Jesus' Millennium following Obamas, as western civilization finale; "mark 17 and 7," 2003 is then fulfilled, Bride taken 2017, Bride return with Christ, 7 years later, beware, bible prophecy, hath reign, Apb, see more here, www.2016isaiah13.blogpspot.com,
Prophecy Links
-Seem to have a full night of dreaming about the now reigning Beast of Antichrist reveal, 07/24/2008, 12/06/2016
-Seen to be seeing a black and white, blinking caution sign bearing the word, the forewarning "DEATH," an out break of mortuary on the map 11/26/2016
-Seen to be seeing the word TREASURES all black and blasted, 11/17/2016, something that couldn't happen if they were as Jesus suggested, upon bearing His Cross, stored away in heaven, worthless treasures, 1998, Apb
Brexit, Trump, Mountains and Bunkers, Fall On Us, Hide Us www.2016theissueofblackbowls.blogspot.com www.thephoenix1012.blogspot.com
Until The Words Of God Be Fulfilled
-I don't know about Russia's election hack, I know his involvement in world affairs, just as Bush's war on the supposedly axis of evil, 2003, has a lot to do with the fulfillment of end time prophecy. Even more so, with the prophecy of Revelation 17:16, 17, I shared just above, now pending. Surely this coming to harsh realities is as important as John the Baptist lamenting and explicating his own martyrdom having to decease so the Cross, Gospel of Jesus the Christ, even His now pending millennium increases. In few words, America, the West must decease, that Jesus' Millennium hath reign, all to explain why I witness it's fulfillment just as Hussein Obama's administration was finished, further I know, then who hath Trump's pending administration? Clearly the end time Beast Into rebellious men, repent or perish!
-Those of you who don't understand how Russia's so called meddling is the settlement into the final week of Daniel all nations, world leaders must, and the emphasis is on must all resign. Admittedly making them all powerless men, then world events will always be a mystery you just can't quite wrap even your genius mind around, (and give their kingdom unto the beast, until the words of God shall be fulfilled, Rev. 17:17). Then for those who think they don't care, God's fulfilling prophecy is the decider of all things on this planet you're to survey from the tiniest morsel to Armageddon, Megiddo's soil. All now giving way to the most apostate and blasphemous of the sons of prediction, Daniel's prophesied to rise in these areas, "little horn." That evil, purposed by both a rebellious fallen Angel, that's two thirds of them, an equally rebellious fallen Adam, human kind, to jihad against God and his Anointed Christ, leaving the fields littered with them just at the brightness of Jesus' Return, alone.
-I heard a cry years back which, while it was actually a command, and I quote, "don't touch Geneva," I take you back to the last Syrian Truce. That one which involved Russia and an hour into a decision making America, all while doing meetings in Geneva Switzerland. So it's importance into fulfillment, the seven years peace accord, that even the gates of hell can't prevail against it. Let alone the rise and fall at God's command nations of men, hereto when my grandson Caden was mesmerized a Syrian Truce prior. That's of a breaking news report he felt obligated to come, bring me from one room to another, with purpose to set my utmost attention too. Evidently, its' all about the made anxious fulfillment of Daniel's final week of years, and world leaders are to join, or be moved out of the way, mightily.
-I heard something similar, years prior, only in the form of a question, and again I quote, "who own the church?" To answer this question most would say Rome, though we're right now on a daily basics looking into Rome revisited, actually, Jesus the world authentic Savior answered this question. That while looking in both present-day and future religious assembly He, Jesus declared and I quote him, "I know where Satan Seat is," the beginning yes, but also the catastrophe end of mass gathering of religion, those responsible for running the nails through Him, into a worship of Spirit, Truth and divine ascension; hence regarding the first of Jesus' lessons into revelation crying aloud, sparing not, "ye must be born again!"
-I must admit, I've also considered the dream as a warning to escape, first, Memphis, howbeit, the New Madrid fault zone where I lived. Strangely, though this miraculous demo involved all my grands being taken, the one of the two I came in contact with doing the time. That's my eldest, is the only one of them who wasn't living in Memphis at the time, of which I believe, had a lot to do with getting the message given. Still, now with haste about a departure date, how I only had like two months or so to get out of Memphis. This was about late June 2015 and in the dream, as I made my way for departing, Holy Spirits found me doing what I'm doing right now, out reaching revelations of Christ, that those with eyes to see, ears to hear, a heart to receive, a mouth to confess, can with hast still, get themselves to Jesus.
-Again just as this happen, as so right before I reached the departing vehicle, well I like to say, chariot, which had this departure date of September 25th inscribed on the door. Well, I heard a voice, lament, and I quote, "it's all about Cameron." What this actually meant is that Prime Minister Cameron, in only a week or so later would make a move that would put especially the western world right back on the path. That's of it's much needed participation on it's road to, and I say this with much caution, 'deletion,' as said decision making would all the more bring a more than suitable for the task Russia's Putin into the Frey, as Syrian's Assad, ally, well just see, Atlantis, a city, a world port that might have existed, well, some scientist would say, see more here, www.layasiege2016.blogspot.com
-I know how that sound, but remember the Titanic movie, how only the captain, the engineer and a few others knew that soon, all of it, the people, the children, the rich, the poor, would be under tons and tons of freezing ocean water. Well the same can and has been said for many years, by many prophecies regarding the West Coast or people living along the coast period, even the Yellowstone areas, as so areas with potential earthquakes and how soon millions will be by cataclysmic tidal waves, just taken from this place, I know where is the building of Noah's ark this warning? It's now mostly the elite crying, religious, political, abominable, Trump, Mountains, Bunkers, fall on us, and hide us.
Truly what isn't taken by the worse ever of tidal waves, earthquakes, volcanoes, EMP's NEO's even nuclear war, there is then starvation and disease, that will itself decimate millions. Just see the worse of Revelation I've seen come into fruition mightily since the Hussein Obama Administration. Plainly, just having it's will all over US soil until not only is the West dysfunctional, it's as gone away again, and left as the mysteries surrounding whether Atlantis ever existed in the first place. This is why this Apostle of resurrection, beseech thee, that before the Bride is taken, I need you to see, hear, and know what Holy Spirits have from 1986-2016/17, on a daily basis have said and is showing me. Well, you can say, prophets of God, like the captain or the engineers portrayed here, this Titanic scene, live both this curse and this blessing of knowing such the inconceivable is happening, only for decades in advance of it.
-So we're talking the lengthiest of prognosticating window, right into just this out break of normalcy bias, overlaid with blinders, ear plugs and truth piecing armor, still not for a lack of trying. The future of America, now at the precipice of oblivion, but first at a cause of millions of souls for not getting themselves out of arms way, this slow motion exodus, now shift into it's highest gear, all with many refusing to listen. I mean. I know just recently, they were all bedazzled along the election that shouldn't have been, now they're just as frazzled, dazzled at this now being the Christmas season. Just so you know, right now at present, and I know this will sound strange, Obama's itinerary is the realist here, while Trump's pending with salvaging America and defusing a long prognosticated time-table/bomb ticking back to Daniel's Week, all set by Elohim, Himself, to discharge by Oct. 2017, make Trump, his followers, the illusionist indeed, beware, like the rebellious elite, plan accordingly. www.2016onewayprayer.blogspot.com
-As I've shared, one morning as I wake, both sadly and miraculously, I'd been given a date, that as of December 25th 2001, that for 190 months, meaning 15.10 years, and no it's not to matter whose in the White house. To be honest by then, well now, the US government will be a beast system, and would've been in it's control since the time table given the Obama Administration 2008, ended in 2015. To be sincere, possibly, seemingly around the same time, June 2015, of which I was demonstrated upon regarding the departure date for the Bride, and given the word, the warning, "it's all about Cameron." Herein making plenty sense, since Obama, being declared "the one," and given "two week and seven years," 2008-2015, had now all expired, said prophetic mantle was now being passed to an original of America's Fathers, namely Prime Minister, Cameron.
-Truthfully, as both are to be, well were commanded to be separated into itty, bitty pieces, whereas Canada was commanded to be wiped from the map, all before Christ's Millennium. So what Britain disallow into this covert coup, meaning Syria's Assad, unknowingly right along Russia ill gotten allegiance is the future, prophesied, ten head reign of mostly middle eastern leaders. Apparently a world reign of Islam, prophesied upon US soil, 2003. although now this night of Christmas 2001, like a blasphemous King of Babylon. This hand writing on the wall of being weighed, measured and found short of blood reconciliation, in other words, the amassing of blood guiltiness Mystery America is, continues. Here pending that at a reduction suddenly by what can only be described as an extinction level event, of 190 years, it will advance into such the descent, despite it's pending, world prowess, as I said, mercifully, Trump's is a Truexit.
-Sincerely explaining why this Apostle, has declared Trump's pending Whitehouse, more of a Truexit, of seeing the future of America, first as this slow motion exodus, into both this immeasurable maze of a homeless shelter, into a woman bearing black bowls of incalculable desolations. Don't wait until you hear war sirens blaring your ears to actual deafness over head and then this run unto repent alters, repent now, while you yet have breath. This workable tongue, even a beating heart, blood, repent now, call an assembly, sanctify a fast, all of which a devastated prophet Joel lamented. As a prophet of God, knowing what horrors beyond imagining where to befall his people, that even if they repent, cataclysmic disasters were coming for them, and only death in Christ is where the second death, judgment, hell, has lost all it's power, not even the gates of hell, remember? Get ye to Jesus, see more here, www.repentnow2011.blogspot.com www.escapeherenton16.blogspot.com
-As I lead my god grandson from the bath, wrapped, snuggled into a towel, he said he was cold, and ask one of those dernest of things, "is Jesus cold?" And I said no, Jesus is everything that is warm, calming and soothing, he is what make you dance, laugh, sing and shout, he is everything that is wonderful and beyond; by the time I was finish saying, I was beyond anything glad that I serve this man, Jesus Christ. Doing the Christmas Season, let your children know, baby Jesus like them, grew up, how he became the most marvelous and unexplainable human being to ever walk this earth,
-Though until then, there was a time his birth mother, and adopted father cheered as he said his first word, laughed nd celebrated as he took his first step, as he slept he laid in their breast so precious to them and they, so trusting to him. How Jesus great like them having siblings sisters and brother of played and bickered with him, Jesus had a childhood, like them he spent his time as a teenager, he was an adolescent for a time, and if tempted at all points as all men, though he couldn't marry, being God manifested in the flesh, he possibly had a crush on a certain girl, all until one day, laying it all down, having more concern, abundant love for humankind's blood reconciliation festering to spill God's cup over, only in His righteous blood, for the heavens host assured a weeping sorely John, weep not, behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sins of the world, hath prevailed, let everything that hath breath praise Him!
Joy To The World, The Lord Is Come, Again
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